Pragmatic named Future Planet “Company of the Year”
Pragmatic wins prestigious 2017 Future Planet Award
Pragmatic is proud to be the winner of the 2017 Future Planet Awards. This prestigious award recognises the potential for Pragmatic to change the world with its unique approach to ultra low cost flexible electronics.
At a fraction of the price of conventional silicon chips, Pragmatic’s plastic integrated circuits introduce interactivity into a wide range of everyday items: from intelligent packaging of fast-moving consumer goods, to wireless traceability of documents for security and identification.
The Future Planet Awards aim to accelerate the development and raise the profile of fast-growing companies that will make a substantive impact on major global challenges. Pragmatic was selected as winner of the Security category based on the applicability of its technology to combat key problems such as mass-market counterfeiting.
On May 23rd, a panel of judges chaired by world renowned architect Lord Norman Foster quizzed Scott White, CEO of Pragmatic, and the four other category winners at its event in London in front of a live audience of global corporate venturing professionals, which led to Pragmatic being declared the overall winner and Company of the Year for 2017.
“We are delighted to be winners of the 2017 Future Planet Awards, which highlights innovative companies. We see this award as a recognition of the uniqueness and broad applicability of our technology,” commented Scott.